Docker Fundamentals Plus Enterprise Operations Course Bundle
in MirantisAbout this course
Course Overview
The Docker Fundamentals + Enterprise Operations Bundle includes the full Docker for Enterprise Operations course as well as the prerequisite Docker Fundamentals course run back to back in a single intensive training experience. The Docker Fundamentals training course offers learners the opportunity to assimilate basic container orchestration and how to scale Docker across multiple nodes in a simple swarm or Kubernetes cluster. As the follow-on to the Docker Fundamentals course, Docker for Enterprise Operations is a role-based course is designed for Docker Operations teams to accelerate their Docker journey in the enterprise. The course covers in-depth core advanced features of Docker EE and best practices to apply these features at scale with enterprise workloads
Target Audience
IT professionals with an operations or system administration background desiring an intense and rapid onramp to Docker technologies including gaining a strong foundation in Docker technologies and an understanding of designing, deploying, and managing Docker containers at scale in an enterprise environment.Course Objectives
By the end of the course learners will be able to:
- Understand the foundations of containerization on a single Docker node
- Create an image using Dockerfile best practices
- Use volumes in the application development process
- Apply concepts of the Docker networking model
- Utilize two different orchestrators (Swarm and Kubernetes) to deploy a single application across multiple machines
- Create a secret and understand its accessibility capabilities
- Identify the key features of UCP and DTR and describe how to assemble t into a complete, basic software supply chain that includes CI/CD, content trust, and image scanning.
- Describe the methodological differences between managing containers and managing virtual machines.
- Describe the high-level structure of an EE deployment consisting of UCP, DTR and pluggable tooling
Course Content
Day 1 :
- The Docker Story
- Introduction to Images
- Creating Images
- System Commands
- Volumes
- Plugins
Day 2 :
- Docker Networking Basics
- Docker Compose
- Scaling Out with Swarm Mode
- Managing Secrets
Day 3 :
- Welcome
- Introduction to Docker Datacenter
- UCP Architecture
- UCP Networking
- UCP Role-based Access Control
- Secrets Management
- Logging
- Monitoring and Recovery
- UCP Health Check
Day 4 :
- DTR Overview
- DTR Organizations and Teams
- Content Trust
- Image Scanning
- Repository Automation
- Image Caching
- DTR Troubleshooting
- Designing a DDC Deployment
Course Prerequisites
Familiarity with Linux command line.